9 mins read

February Astrology Reading

What is it about Aquarians? There have been more US Presidents born in February than any other sign. Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, William Henry Harrison and although his birth was January 30th, FDR was also an Aquarian. With the exception of Washington, the other three were born earlier in the month, under the star, Danistha, symbolized in the Hindu myth

5 mins read

Sleep with Your Pet? It Might Be a Bad Idea.

Do you sleep with your pet? Well, youre not alone. According to a recent survey of pet owners by the American Pet Products Association, nearly half of all dogs sleep in their owners beds. Additionally, 62% of cats also sleep with their owners. What could be better than curling up next to your furry little friend and being gently awakened in the morning by a little nuzzle? For many pet owners, few things in life can top this feeling. But, is sleeping with your pet a good idea or not?