9 mins read

How to Achieve Balance

If pressed to name only one thing for which modern moms are not given enough credit, I’d say it’s their circus skills. At a minimum, mothers regularly find themselves juggling the emotional and physical well-being of one or more children; ringleading a household and all activities occurring within and without; playing the clown for an…

6 mins read

Killing Off Supermom

I’ll be honest with you. In my house, the beds are rarely made unless someone is coming to visit. Sometimes I yell. My closet is a disaster and I feel guilty that I work too much. My kids watch more TV than they should. And I simply cannot afford to go all organic right now. There is a sticky shelf in my refrigerator that I keep hoping will evaporate on its own, and this morning I had to send my son off to camp with a PB&J made with frozen waffles because I forgot to buy bread. I’m not perfect. There, I said it. Bye Bye Supermom

7 mins read

Autism and Sheldon Cooper

Why do I have Sheldon Cooper on the brain? Sheldon Cooper is one of the main characters on the TV show The Big Bang Theory. I guess there are several reasons why I’ve had Sheldon Cooper on my brain lately. First, the regular season (Season 11) of Big Bang is back and I’ve watched two…

3 mins read

Why I Won’t Be Pledging To ‘Wait Until 8th’

Last week I was making my regular Facebook rounds. Stalking old friends and handing out potty training advice like it was candy in my Mommy groups. No matter where I was in the Facebook vortex one particular article kept showing up. It was the “Wait Until 8th” pledge. Most of the pledges that I signed…