3 mins read

Skin Removal After Weight Loss Surgery

As you gain weight, your skin expands to accommodate underlying fat. But in cases of extreme weight loss, such as after bariatric weight loss surgery, patients are often left with unsightly excess skin. Because of its decreased elasticity, this skin tends to hang, sag and give a body a lumpy appearance. According to Dr. Michael Bermant, board-certified plastic surgeon, this is not a problem you can correct with diet or exercise alone. Excess skin must be surgically removed.

3 mins read

How Early to Take a Pregnancy Test

If you are trying to become pregnant or suspect you might be, finding out for certain is probably at the forefront of your mind. You might be tempted to run out and take a pregnancy test days after you think you might have conceived. While many women can get accurate test results before they even miss a period, testing too early can lead to inaccurate results and frustration.