3 mins read

How Many Times Can Someone Take the Plan B Pill?

The Plan B pill is emergency contraception that can be used up to 72 hours after a birth control failure or unprotected sex. Plan B is Levonorgestrel taken in two doses 12 hours apart. Women over 18 can purchase Plan B from their pharmacist without a prescription, making it a safe and accessible option when you are concerned about the possibility of pregnancy. Learn the risks of Plan B, the benefits, and how and when to use Plan B.

3 mins read

Can I Get Pregnant While Not Ovulating?

All the baby books tell you to have sex when you’re ovulating. That’s the basis of conception. One sperm fertilizing one egg means you’re parents. Following that logic, it makes sense that if you’re not ovulating, you won’t get pregnant. That logic, however, fails to take into account the longevity of sperm and the sometimes fickle nature of a woman’s reproductive cycle.

3 mins read

Pregnancy and Fertility Drugs

Fertility drugs can increase your odds of getting pregnant. Use of these oral or injectable medications may be beneficial when you have an ovulation disorder. However, MayoClinic.com and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, or ACOG, both indicate that sometimes fertility drugs may require complementary therapies to yield success.

2 mins read

Herbal Fertility for Women

There’s no shortage of herbal remedies with centuries of traditional use trailing behind them. Makers of herbal fertility supplements offer you hope for a fraction of a price of conventional fertility treatments. However, Mayo Clinic expert Mary Gallenberg, a gynecologist and obstetrician, states there’s no convincing proof that herbal supplements will help you and your partner conceive.