5 mins read

Vaccines, Autism, and the Coronavirus – Part One

Vaccines, Autism, and the Coronavirus - Part One I’m very passionate about this issue, so I need to “check in” with it from time to time. Now seems like a really good time to check in on the topic of vaccines. First, I’ll discuss my (relatedly strong) opinion on autism-related vaccines. What’s the issue with…

2 mins read

DeVos Hurts Special Needs Families

Education Secretary Betsy Devos eliminated 72 policy documents that outline the rights of students with disabilities. The documents fleshed out students’ rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Rehabilitation Act. The regulations were not rescinded, only the policy documents put into place to guide how schools could use federal special education money.…

3 mins read

Early Signs of Pregnancy While on Birth Control

No matter what type of birth control you use, you still have a chance of getting pregnant. Abstinence is the only 100-percent effective method of birth control. Rates of pregnancy occurring while on birth control range from 0.09 percent to 9 percent, depending on the type of birth control used, according to a chart provided by AmazingPregnancy.com. Birth control itself can make it difficult to know if you have become pregnant; some forms of birth control create pregnancy-like symptoms, and others cause the menstrual cycle to be irregular. If you have two or more of the following symptoms, go ahead and take a pregnancy test to find out for sure.

8 mins read

Breastfeeding Isn’t Always Best

After my first son was born and put on my bare chest in the hospital, he wiggled down and found my breast just like in the videos on You Tube - just like the lactation consultants told me it happens. It was beautiful and perfect. That’s pretty much where he stayed until we went home…