3 mins read

Must-Haves For The Holiday Season

It's such a wonderful time of year, but it's also stressful and busy. We found a few products that can help you out. With people visiting and new electronics opened on the holidays, there will inevitably be chaos and struggle to find a place to charge all the devices in the house. Well, the udoq…

4 mins read

The Birds, the Bees & Bye Bye Birdie

Last week we went to see the 7th & 8th grade production of Bye Bye Birdie at my sons middle school. I am particularly fond of this piece because, back in the day, I was one of the screaming girls in my 8th grades production of the musical. I remember how much fun all my friends and I had singing the songs during rehearsals, and how exciting the performances were. I felt that my …

8 mins read

Selfish Reasons To Have More Kids

Large families – think Kate Gosselins crew of eight, the Duggars 19-kid-family and Nadya Sulemans dozen+ – have been depicted by pop culture as old timey circus acts, something for which youd pay admission at a county fair in order to enter a shadowy tent and marvel at this oddity.

3 mins read

Facts on Going Green and Your Health

Many people initially opt to go green due to their concern for the health of environment. These eco-warriors may fail to realize that going green can have a positive effect on their health as well. By taking strides to reduce the size of your carbon footprint, you can help ensure a better future for your children and potentially increase the length of time that you get to spend with them on this planet.