3 mins read

Ways for Kids to Conserve Energy

Teaching our children to conserve energy can reduce the amount of energy used at home and in our communities. In the United States, our nation’s homes collectively consume more energy than any other group of people, places or things in the world. Fortunately, if you’re a parent who wants to cultivate a desire to reduce energy waste and an appreciation for natural resources in your children, there are practical and simple ways you can encourage your children to conserve energy.

2 mins read

How to Conserve Energy

Anyone can learn to conserve energy. If you already take action to preserve our resources, review this list for other “green” strategies to incorporate into your life. Try a couple of ideas first, then expand to others. If you need motivation, research your personal carbon footprint and think of ways to reduce it.

2 mins read

How to Go Green & Preserve Energy

Preserving energy is one way to go green. It can also save you money on your utility bills. Keeping a home the right temperature makes up approximately 44 percent of a typical household’s utility bill, according to the Department of Energy. In addition to heating and cooling, some energy also gets used without notice, including phantom energy. Phantom energy consumed by electronic devices on standby cost U.S. consumers $5.8 billion per year, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCSUSA). Take control of your utility bills and energy consumption today.

3 mins read

Going Green With Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is sustainable. Unlike fossil fuels–which are dwindling resources that can’t be replaced–renewable energy comes from such infinite sources as the sun, earth and wind. Renewable energy is free from many of the negative environmental impacts caused by fossil fuels—namely, global warming and water pollution. Plus, renewable energy is the wave of the future. According to the US Department of Energy, the world’s available fossil fuels will be consumed in 104 years if there isn’t a global switch to renewable energy. This is a switch the world has to make. Many people are already going green with renewable energy in their homes and their lifestyles.