5 mins read

I Don’t Want to be Mothered, I Need a Coach

How to Identify When Teens Want Coaching, Not Parental Advice I am a mother of two incredible children, a daughter and a son. I nurtured them, loved them deeply, and did everything I could to protect them from danger. But being a parent means more than just mothering. I learned this while attending grad school…

3 mins read

Autism and a New Study

Autism and a New Study Happy New Year 2022 Recently, I came across a study that provides one explanation on why autism presents in males more than females. NOTE: This is only one small study conducted by Dr. Christine Ecker of Goethe University in Germany. What did the study say? The study looked at why…

2 mins read

Autism and Backward Chaining

Autism and Backward Chaining I had never heard this term before…backward chaining. I read up on it and discovered it’s a useful way for parents of children with special needs to help a child learn everyday life skills. What is backward chaining? Here’s the way I understand it… Chaining is a way to teach multi-step…

3 mins read

How to Identify and Treat Pinworms

This post is in partnership with Reese’s Pinworm. How much do you know about pinworms? Pinworms are kind of an icky subject and not frequently discussed, but are without a doubt necessary to know about, especially if you have children heading off to school this year. So what are they anyway? Pinworms are contagious intestinal…