2 mins read

Spring's Hottest Must Have: Leather Jackets

What to do when it’s too warm for winter gear but too cold to go sans jacket? Wear Spring’s hottest must-have item, the cropped leather jacket. It’s a ‘wear with everything and anything and everywhere’ item and it will pretty much make any outfit look amazing. Here are some excellent options:

3 mins read

About Surrogate Mothers

For many couples unable to have a child on their own, using a surrogate mother is an excellent option. Although there are a number of financial and legal requirements for the couple and surrogate, surrogate agencies can help simplify the process by ensuring that the rights of the parents and the surrogate are honored and protected.

9 mins read

Ditch the Grinch and Deck the Halls

‘Tis the season! That’s what all the billboards, advertisements, and email subject lines are saying right about now, anyway.  But ‘tis the season for what, exactly? The obvious answers are “giving” and “gathering” and “getting out the sparkly decorations.” There are presents that need purchasing and cards that need crafting; there are parties that require…

2 mins read

The Top Stretch Mark Creams

Stretch mark creams are designed to prevent or reduce the appearance of stretch marks or striae. Stretch marks are tears in the dermis, or middle layer of the skin, according to the Mayo Clinic. They initially appear as rough, red or purple lines and eventually fade to silvery white. Any rapid weight gain, including pregnancy, may cause stretch marks, particularly on the belly, breasts, thighs and hips.