2 mins read

Breast Tenderness When Weaning

Weaning has an undeniable emotional impact on many mothers, as they struggle to let go of the physical connection they once shared with their nursing tot. Along with this emotional challenge often also comes slight physical pain in the form of breast tenderness. As your body adjusts to your lack of nursing, you will likely experience some minor discomfort. This tenderness is perfectly normal and, in most cases, quite mild.

2 mins read

Breast Tenderness & Early Pregnancy

Breast tenderness is one of the earliest telltale signs that a woman is becoming a mom, according to the March of Dimes and the American Pregnancy Association. While this can be frustrating to deal with, it is virtually never dangerous and helps prepare you for birth and then breast-feeding if you choose to do so. A number of other possible symptoms and side effects also indicate pregnancy and are especially common during the first trimester.

2 mins read

Morning Sickness & Pregnancy Symptoms

Some women can detect symptoms of pregnancy within a week or two of conception, according to MayoClinic.com. Other women may not notice anything amiss or may assign the symptoms to other causes, such as the flu. If you want to get pregnant, keep an eye out for symptoms, the most obvious of which may be morning sickness.

2 mins read

Menopause & Pregnancy Symptoms

Some expectant moms may initially mistake their pregnancy symptoms for those associated with impending menopause, according to the Option Line website. While many moms over 35 have healthy babies, prenatal care is especially important due to older pregnant women’s markedly increased risks of pregnancy complications, according to the Mayo Clinic. Learning more about the commonalities between pregnancy and menopause symptoms may help you evaluate whether pregnancy is a possibility in your life at this time, rather than menopause.

3 mins read

Symptoms of Being Pregnant at 4 Weeks

After having unprotected sex, there is a greater chance of becoming pregnant. For some women, pregnancy symptoms appear earlier than for others, namely in the first weeks after having sexual intercourse. During the third week of pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterus, and toward the end of this third week, some pregnant women begin to experience normal mid-cycle symptoms. Some pregnant women may have a “feeling” that they are pregnant as their baby transforms into an actual embryo.