2 mins read

The Upside Of Santa

What’s your guess about the percentage of kids who believe Santa is real? A lot of parents, myself included, would say close to 100%. But University of Texas psychologist Jacqueline Woolley noticed a drop-off in belief in Santa after the tender age of five. That's when kids’ belief in the Tooth Fairy crested as well.…

6 mins read

How Will The New SAT Affect Your Kids?

The College Board announced this week that it is going to make sweeping changes to the SAT beginning in 2016.Criticized both for giving an advantage to wealthy kids who can afford expensive test prep courses and also for creating extreme anxiety for students due to the unpredictability of what will be tested, the SAT has long been in need of a makeover.According to The College Board, the test will remain predictive of how …

7 mins read

Helping Your Teen Put Together College Applications

So what does it take to get into college? Well, the answer depends on quite a few factors. The type of major, high school academics, standardized test scores, teacher recommendations, the personal statement, the interview, extra-curricular activities, leadership skillsthe list goes on and on. Thats why, as Ive said many times before, its best to start thinking about college early. How early? In my opinion, it truly is never too early.