3 mins read

Pros & Cons of Bond Funds

A bond fund–sometimes referred to as an income fund–is a type of investment that uses pooled money from a number of investors to purchase interest-bearing or dividend-producing securities. These investments include government or corporate bonds, bank certificates of deposit, preferred stock and commercial paper, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. There are significant advantages and disadvantages to investing in bond funds.

7 mins read

When Bad Parenting IS Our Business

I can imagine few things more horrifying than living for months on a 36-foot sailboat with a 3-year-old and 12-month-old.Youd have to pay me, oh, about 20 million bucks to step foot onto a small sailboat with two young kids.And even then, I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t even take kids that age on an ocean liner cruise ship. For the simple reason that I would be endangering the lives …

4 mins read

Is There A Camera Crew In Your Child’s Future?

While at the gym yesterday, one of the Pussycat Dolls songs came on my iPod. My teenage daughter keeps me hip by adding songs I normally wouldnt choose, and as I listened to When I Grow Up, I realized how becoming famous is replacing so many other goals for kids. When I grow up I wanna be famous I wanna be a star I wanna be in movies When I grow up I wanna see the world Drive nice cars I wanna have groupies

2 mins read

Children Affected by AIDS Foundation

There are over 33 million people infected with HIV worldwide and more than 17 million children orphaned by AIDS. Additionally, there are 200,000 young American women living with HIV, many of which have an average of two children. That’s why organizations like the Children Affected by AIDS Foundation (CAAF) are so impactful. CAAF is devoted to providing social, educational, recreational and other critical support programs to vulnerable children affected in some way by HIV/AIDS in the U.S. and other countries.