5 mins read

Building Confidence in Your Teen

The most awkward time for you child is when they stop being a kid but aren’t quite an adult. Their bodies are changing, and their hormones are going nuts. Some handle it gracefully, but most freak out. And it doesn’t help that the role models they are presented with in the media are airbrushed into oblivion and have press agents to make sure they’re saying the right things for their image. The reality your teen faces is filled with so much fake-ness, it’s hard for them to look at themselves and recognize that what is real is normal and perfect.

14 mins read

February Astrology

The early February planetary lineup in Aquarius, along with a Libra moon and Jupiter in Gemini, makes for a lot of air which inclines towards verbosity – but of course with many innovative and original ideas bandied about, so typical of Aquarius. This preponderance of refined air, the label attached to Aquarius, IS technologys true Homeland.

12 mins read

January Astrology

Welcome to 2013, which adds up to a six year, the card of the Lovers, in the Tarot. Aside from the romantic connotation here, the lovers represents duality, and a kind of yin yang twinship. Six years are mostly concerned with the art and craft of relating, take this where you will, whether it be diplomacy in world affairs or interactions at a deeply personal level. I regret to say that I am a little …