4 mins read

 The 6 Financial Habits Of Mentally Strong People for Year-End Planning 

As the seasons start to change and the holiday season approaches, it’s the perfect time for a financial check-up. Let’s reflect on how much we’ve accomplished this year and set the stage for financial success in the upcoming year with some year-end planning. If you haven’t scheduled a meeting with your advisors yet, now is the time to get your financial planning done. In fact, for our clients, this is one of the busiest and most important planning periods of the year.

Many of us set ambitious financial goals, but how often do we follow through with them? It’s time to take a page from the mentally strong and map out some to-dos to achieve our financial objectives as we head into the end of the year. Remember how important reaching financial independence is?

7 mins read

Why Moms Need Dreams…

A version of thefollowing was originally posted on Jill Simonian’sTheFabMom.com. JillSimonian is a TV & Digital personality seen frequenlty on HLN, Hallmark Channel and parenting blogs across the web. We’ve all hit that metaphorical brick wall. You know, that thing we slam into every now and then when weve spun around in circles enough times to lose our orientation.BAM!There’ve been way too many times I’ve …

4 mins read

How Do You Know If You Have Found True Love?

Your personalities click. There’s chemistry. You dream about him, your heart races when he calls, and you can tell he feels the same about you. So is it true love, or is it a great big crush that can fizzle and die at a moment’s notice? Sure, you want chemistry and great laughs together, but you also need the loyalty, comfort and acceptance that will carry you through the most difficult times. Check your relationship against this list of considerations to get a clearer understanding of whether or not it is true love.