Maximize Your Money: Smart Moves for Your Tax Refund!
Excited to see that money coming into the bank account? Already thinking about how to spend it in advance? It's important to recognize that receiving a tax refund isn't just a stroke of luck; it's a sign of financial responsibility and diligent tax planning. However, it's crucial not to fall victim to spending frivolously. Instead,…
1 in 10 Young College Graduates is ‘Idled’—What Parents Need to Know and Tips to Help
Last night a parent friend called me and talked about her older son moving home, and having a hard time finding work. After working hard on a degree in BioEngineering, he realized his true love was in the theater arts, but he also knew he needed to find work to support himself. So, for now,…
You’ve Been Summoned! What To Do When You’re Called For Jury Duty
You’ve Been Summoned! What To Do When You’re Called For Jury Duty Receiving a jury summons can feel like being handed a hot potato—particularly for parents juggling childcare, school drop-offs and pickups, and a myriad of daily responsibilities. But fear not! With a bit of planning and a dash of savvy, you can fulfill your…
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt’s Name Change: What Parents Need to Know
This week, social media is buzzing with the news that Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, has filed a request to legally drop "Pitt" from her hyphenated surname on her 18th birthday this month. Shiloh’s decision has ignited a plethora of reactions online, from fiesty discussions about “Brangelina” family dynamics, celebrity relationships…
Top 10 Family-Friendly Holiday Travel Destinations for Magical Memories
Discover the world’s most enchanting holiday destinations that cater to families with kids. From snowy wonderlands to tropical paradises, these 10 destinations promise unforgettable experiences for all ages.