3 mins read

The Best Love Match for Sagittarius

Sagittarians run through life with unbridled enthusiasm, generally bumping into things and knocking them over. Anyone who has shared a close relationship with a Sagittarius can tell you tales of bruised feelings and trampled toes. Sometimes it seems that the natural place for the Sagittarian’s foot is in his mouth, but you’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone who holds it against him for long. Naturally buoyant, exuberant and good-hearted, Sagittarians attract admirers everywhere they go–and while they flirt outrageously with everyone, they trust their hearts to very few.

3 mins read

What Causes Low Sex Drive in Men?

Although you may be hard-pressed to find a man who would admit to it, American men are losing their interest in sex, according to “Psychology Today” magazine. Marriage therapist Michele Weiner-Davis says that about 20 to 25 percent of men have low sexual desire. Many men connect their sense of self-esteem with their virility, so it can be quite distressing for a man to lose his sex drive.

3 mins read

The Facts About Teenage Pregnancy Moms Must Know

Chances are, a baby is conceived for all the wrong reasons when kids are too young. Most times, the pregnancy is unintended, and often teenagers try to get pregnant feel that they have little prospects and love in their lives. These teens may welcome the excitement of baby showers and a baby who will love them unconditionally. But there are some scary facts teenagers and their moms should now about teenage pregnancy. Just look at this…