2 mins read

Guide for Healthy Weight Gain in Pregnancy

Everyone knows that weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable, but even the most seasoned moms may not quite understand just how much is too much during pregnancy. Avoiding excessive weight gain during your pregnancy will not only help you during the birthing process, but it will also make it much easier for you to regain your pre-pregnancy shape after delivering your baby.

2 mins read

Healthy Weight Loss Using Tea

You may have seen advertisements and articles touting the benefits of tea when you are trying to lose weight. In fact, these days you don’t even need to drink it–you can buy a pill. As long as you don’t add sugar or cream, tea is a zero-calorie beverage and can be a great addition to a healthy weight loss plan. It also may have some additional benefits, though the jury is still out on that.

2 mins read

Ways to Gain Healthy Weight

If you are underweight and want to gain, you may not get a lot of sympathy from friends who are constantly battling to lose their baby weight or their freshman 15. The need to gain can be important to your overall health and self-confidence. In the quest to gain weight, it is important that you do it using healthy foods and methods so you gain without increasing your risk of heart disease, cancer and other health issues.

5 mins read

Gone too far? The crazy (and sometimes unhealthy) things celebrities do to lose weight and get in shape

Numerous celebrities will admit to the pressure of maintaining seemingly trim figures. After the world saw Oprah shrink, expand, shrink, expand, and then finally say, "I'm never dieting again," we had front row seats for what it must be like to feel constantly judged for your appearance. For various reasons, here are some of the…