4 mins read

Good High Blood Pressure Diet

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is cause for concern. Fortunately, most people are aware of this, as is demonstrated by the fact that it is the second most common reason for people going to doctor in the United States, according to the E Medicine Health website. If not controlled, high blood pressure can lead to heart attack, stroke and kidney failure. The good news is that you can take measures to control high blood pressure just by what you choose to eat.

5 mins read

Is Walking Good for Blood Pressure?

Walking is not only an enjoyable, easy fitness activity, it’s one of the best forms of exercise there is if you have high blood pressure. Unlike jogging and other high-impact sports and activities, walking is low impact. It allows you to gently increase your body’s aerobic capacity as it helps get your body and heart fitter and healthier.

3 mins read

How Exercise Reduces Blood Pressure & Stress

High blood pressure (HBP) and stress are common and potentially life-threatening medical conditions. While there is no direct link between HBP and stress, both conditions can put you at risk for a variety of health problems such as heart disease, kidney failure and stroke. It is not certain how many people suffer from stress, but according to the American Heart Association, around 1 in 3 adults suffer from HPB. In 2005, the death rate from HBP in the U.S. was more than 18 percent.

3 mins read

Vitamins for Children

Every body needs vitamins to keep it functioning properly. Your children need a proper amount of a wide range of vitamins each day to grow into healthy and strong adults. If your children eat a balanced diet, they may not need to take vitamin supplements. If they have special dietary needs, such as they eat a vegan diet, they should take supplements to get vitamins that may be missing from their diet. Always give your child vitamin designed for her age and size and supervise the dose. Overdose on vitamins such as A and K is possible.