3 mins read

Hair Regrowth Products for Women

According to the American Hair Loss Association, nearly half the people suffering from hair loss are women. Unlike male pattern balding in which hair loss is almost always genetic, the causes for female pattern hair loss are numerous. Genetics, stress, pregnancy and childbirth, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, the use of certain medications and too-tight hairstyles can all contribute to hair loss. Fortunately, there are hair-loss treatments that encourage regrowth.

2 mins read

Facial Hair Removal Products for Women

About 10 percent of women suffer from unwanted facial hair growth due to a hormonal imbalance called hirsutism, according to the Mayo Clinic. African American and Hispanic women may be much more vulnerable to developing some degree of unwanted facial hair, though virtually any adult woman can suffer from this potentially embarrassing condition at some point during her life. While medications to treat hormonal imbalances and semi-permanent hair removal techniques using lasers can help some women, other women may decide to try facial hair removal products in the privacy of their homes.

3 mins read

Ways to Improve Your Sex Drive

All women experience different levels of sex drive during their lives and at some points it might be lower than you like. A woman can experience a reduced libido for a variety of reasons and there are many things that can contribute to making the situation improve. Causes include, hormonal imbalances to depression and increased emotional issues. The exact cause of decreased sex drive in women can be a very difficult thing to determine. the trick is to identify the problem and then find the best remedies that match the direct cause. Often simple, meditative, holistic approaches can help achieve the desired results and quickly improve a woman’s sex drive.

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Male Infertility Symptoms

About 15 percent of couples are infertile, reports MayoClinic.com. In 20 percent of these cases, the infertility problems come solely from the male and, in an additional 30 to 40 percent of cases, infertility is a combination of male and female problems. If you are having problems conceiving, you want to be aware of male infertility symptoms.

2 mins read

Signs of PMS or Pregnancy

If you’re trying to conceive a baby, chances are you are evaluating every little sign and symptom you experience. But differentiating between the signs of PMS or pregnancy can seem next to impossible. Given that many early signs and symptoms of pregnancy mimic impending menstruation, the only way to know you are pregnant for certain is for your health care provider to confirm it through a urine or blood sample, or by an early ultrasound.