3 mins read

Hormone Levels & Miscarriage

A miscarriage is a pregnancy loss that occurs within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. It is estimated that 10 to 15 percent of women who know that they are pregnant will suffer a miscarriage. That number may be much higher, given that many women have early miscarriages before they ever know that they are pregnant. Miscarriages that occur in the early stages of pregnancy may be the result of hormonal problems.

5 mins read

Hormone Changes in Women

The process of growing from infancy to girlhood, young adulthood and old age is significantly impacted by both the presence and absence of natural hormones. A woman’s hormones tell her body when to enter puberty, when to prepare for and feed a baby and when the child-bearing years should cease. Hormones regulate her monthly periods and influence her moods, sex drive and complexion. They are also linked to significant diseases such as breast cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease.

2 mins read

Estrogen Levels During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body cranks estrogen production into overdrive. This hormone, which is vital in the development of female sex characteristics, also plays a part in establishing and maintaining pregnancy. The fluctuation of estrogen throughout your pregnancy has a major impact on your body during this physically complex time. It also plays a part in the development of many of the most commonly observed symptoms of pregnancy.

3 mins read

Normal Blood Pressure Levels for Women

High blood pressure sets the stage for all sorts of potential health complications. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), high blood pressure doesn’t discriminate based on gender; half of Americans with this condition are adult females. Normal blood pressure levels for women mean reduced risk for dire medical problems, such as heart attack and stroke.

1 min read

The Effects of Birth Control Pills on Hormones

Birth control pills rely upon hormones, most typically a combination of estrogen and progesterone, to prevent pregnancy. The pill fundamentally changes your body’s typical hormonal balance and cycle. Some changes are positive for many women, while others can be quite detrimental. Finding the right pill and the right dose can help to mitigate the effects of the pill on your hormones.