3 mins read

Homemade Spa Treatments

The following is a guest post by Jackie Burns Brisman, Editor, SpaFinder Wellness Between busy work schedules, play dates, school functions, dinner, laundry, and keeping the overall household balance in check – its a surprise some moms can even find the time to shower these days!

2 mins read

Treatments for Dust Allergies

An allergic reaction occurs when the body’s immune system overreacts to substances called allergens that usually are not harmful. Household dust, which can include tiny particles of pollen, fibers and microscopic insects called mites, can cause allergic reactions, according to Medline Plus, and dust mites are the primary cause of dust allergies. Treatments for dust allergies vary, but it should be noted that the highest concentration of dust mites is typically found in box springs, mattresses and bedding.

3 mins read

Ronald McDonald House Charities

Many families have to travel great distances in order to get treatment for their seriously ill or injured children. The long distances and grueling treatments can take their tolls — being away from home for so long and dividing a family make the painful process of treatment or recovery more difficult for everyone. Especially for children, there is nothing scarier than not having mom and dad with you for love and support when you need them most.

2 mins read

Nail-Biting Treatments

The Mayo Clinic reports that nail biting does not typically cause long-term damage; however, it can cause unsightly and unprofessional-looking nails. Though some nail biting is caused by anxiety disorders, such as obsessive compulsive disorder, most nail biters have simply developed a bad habit. There are several effective ways to treat nail biting so that you can go on to have beautifully manicured nails to show off at work or social gatherings.