3 mins read

Toddler Developmental Milestones

When a baby starts to walk, he unofficially becomes a toddler. When most people speak of toddlerhood, they are referring to children between 1 and 3 years of age. Toddlers often make major changes, especially in regards to locomotion, thinking and talking. One-year-olds master walking and mobility, while 2-year-olds work on expanding their vocabulary. Toddlers learn to master their bodies and progress from walking to climbing and running. They learn names of body parts and are constantly refining their fine- and gross-motor skills. They become more independent and imitative. Children reach milestones based on their own timetables, but there are averages of when to expect new developments.

2 mins read

Pregnancy Strengthening Exercises

A well-rounded exercise program during pregnancy improves your overall fitness level and prepare the body for childbirth. Strengthening exercises complement cardiovascular and flexibility exercises for pregnant women. Strenuous exercise can be dangerous during pregnancy, especially to women with high-risk pregnancies. Check with your physician before starting a new strength-training routine.

3 mins read

Skin Removal After Weight Loss Surgery

As you gain weight, your skin expands to accommodate underlying fat. But in cases of extreme weight loss, such as after bariatric weight loss surgery, patients are often left with unsightly excess skin. Because of its decreased elasticity, this skin tends to hang, sag and give a body a lumpy appearance. According to Dr. Michael Bermant, board-certified plastic surgeon, this is not a problem you can correct with diet or exercise alone. Excess skin must be surgically removed.

2 mins read

Aquatic Exercises for Back Pain

When you have unrelenting back pain and want to use exercises to alleviate it, jump into the pool. Back pain–the primary cause of disability for people under 45 in the United States–sends approximately 13 million people to the doctor each year, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). Fortunately, most back pain is preventable,says the UMMC. Keeping your back muscles strong through aquatic exercises can reduce your back pain while preventing further damage.