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2 mins read

How to Influence the Sex of a Baby

On average, you have slightly more than a 50 percent chance of conceiving a boy and a slightly less than a 50 percent chance of conceiving a girl, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The same research reveals that older moms (over 40) have closer to a 50/50 chance of having a boy or girl and that the more children you have, the more likely you are to have the same number of boys and girls. If you have a house full of rough-and-tumble boys or darling girls who have you tripping over dress-up clothes, you may feel the need to add a child to balance out the family dynamics. You dont have to leave it completely up to chance. There is a scientifically based way, called Shettles method, that helps influence the sex of the baby, says Toni Weschler in Taking Charge of Your Fertility.

5 mins read

Where Does Halloween Come From?

My very inquisitive six-year-old asked me why people dress up on Halloween. I was stumped. I am usually a reasonably informed mom with a quick story about all the cool things in history that have formed our current day celebrations. But not this time I didnt have any answers!