5 mins read

Is Botox a Gateway Drug?

Botox, or Botulinum Toxin, is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum. (Wow- that’s a mouth full!) Despite the fact that it is the most toxic protein known, it is used world over in minute quantities to treat muscle spasms. Administered properly, it prevents a muscle from contracting …

3 mins read

Don’t Lump My Son In With Mass Murderers

Another mass shooting. This time, in my own backyard. I can be in Santa Barbara in under two hours. I have a writers retreat there in June. It?s gorgeous, idyllic, peaceful, and a college town. With mass shootings on our minds yet again, families with people on the autism spectrum are again having to ask the general population to not label our kids. Here?s an example (post-the latest shooting): One headline in particular angered me …

6 mins read

Daughters In Danger

I have two teenage daughters. I was a teenage girl myself once. So anorexia is not a foreign concept to me.Especially because the summer before I went to Harvard, I lost 40 pounds myself. I spent my freshman year gaining the weight back, which was hard enough (think 1,600 classmates watching you change a pants size every month). But the really steep climb to mental health was admitting I had almost killed myself …