4 mins read

Autism and Law Enforcement -Part 2

This week I will continue the discussion about how individuals with autism can/should interact with law enforcement as well as important improving of the training of a law enforcement representative so that a law enforcement representative can recognize what autism looks like. This week I will discuss this issue when it comes to my own…

2 mins read

Autism and Law Enforcement – Part 1

Why is it important to discuss autism and law enforcement? Individuals on the autism spectrum sometimes struggle to communicate and/or interact within the community. They can panic and appear nervous. It is the job of law enforcement to contain a situation and/or prevent a crime. If a law enforcement representative cannot recognize the signs/common attributes…

5 mins read

Autism and Law Enforcement

How does what happened in Ferguson, Missouri matter to the autism community? I won't comment on the actual events that took place in Ferguson, Missouri in August. I'm shying away from my actual opinion on that incident because I want to keep the focus on autism and that incident had nothing to do with autism.…

1 min read

Michael Douglas' Son Arrested In Drug Bust

Michael Douglas’ son Cameron was arrested at New York City’s trendy Hotel Gansevoort for possession of crystal meth. The 30-year-old actor has been charged with possession with intent to sell, law enforcement officials confirmed Monday night. Douglas was in possession of 8 ounces of crystal meth and more than $10,000 cash during last Tuesday’s bust by an undercover cop.

4 mins read

Give a Hero a Home: The Rewarding Experience of Adopting Ex-Government Dogs

The holiday season is a time of love, warmth, and giving. While many people consider adopting a furry friend during this time, there is a unique and heartwarming option available – adopting a hard-working dog that used to work in government facilities. These remarkable canines have dedicated their lives to various federal agencies, assisting in…