2 mins read

Herbal Teas and Pregnancy

Herbal teas, with their many health benefits, are the drink of choice for many women, but pregnant women should be wary when drinking some herbal teas. While some herbs are considered safe and even beneficial for pregnant women to drink, the effects of other herbs on developing embryos is simply not known.

3 mins read

Herbal Teas During Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, drinking a cup of caffeine-free herbal tea may seem like a better option than downing a cup of coffee or black tea. But Dr. Laura Riley, author of “Pregnancy: The Ultimate Week By Week Pregnancy Guide,” argues that drinking any herbal teas while you are pregnant is not safe for you or your baby. The American Pregnancy Association recommends certain teas, but only with the approval of your doctor or midwife.

3 mins read

Fever Blister Remedies for Children

Fever blisters, also called cold sores, are from the herpes simplex virus. Fever blisters are tiny, clear, fluid-filled blisters. People typically get fever blisters on the face, but they can occur in the genital area, too. Fever blisters can be annoying because they can reappear sporadically. Not only are they unsightly, they can be painful. Most people get cold sores of the face during infancy or childhood, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

1 min read

Natural Baby Shampoo Recipes

The skin on your baby’s head is just as delicate as the rest of his body. Treat it gently and keep it clean by making your own baby shampoo at home. Work in small batches, as it doesn’t take a lot to clean that tiny head. You can use any of these recipes on your own hair, too, for a cleansing, pampering, all-natural treat. Be sure to get pure castile soap, in flakes or liquid. form. It should be made of 100% vegetable oil. Olive oil is preferred.