3 mins read

Post-Pregnancy Care

The days and weeks after giving birth can be one of the most challenging times for new mothers. Although you may want to focus every moment on your new infant, your own physical discomforts can get in the way. In addition to caring for your new baby, vaginal bleeding, uterine cramping, breast pain and postpartum depression can require your attention.

2 mins read

Natural Honey for Allergies

Sniffling, sneezing, watery eyes and runny nose — ah, the joys of seasonal allergies. While Americans spent over $11 billion in 2005 in an effort to control allergy symptoms, some holistic and homeopathic practitioners suggest relief could be as close as the nearest beehive. Anecdotal evidence suggests that eating honey may help reduce seasonal allergy symptoms, but some dangers are associated with eating honey, according to Samuel Welch of the University of Arkansas for Medical Science.

2 mins read

The Health Benefits of Yoga

Historically, much of the research that has been done on the health benefits of yoga has been conducted in India. Only in the last several decades, as interest in yoga practice swept the nation, have American researchers begun to examine the topic in replicable scientific studies.