2 mins read

Metabolic Weight Loss Centers

Losing weight can be difficult no matter how you approach it. Some people need a little extra help to lose weight. At a metabolic weight loss center, you can get medical support in your weight loss journey, with physicians designing a program that is specific for your body. By approaching weight loss from a variety of angles, you can increase your chances of success.

2 mins read

Obese Pregnancy Support

Although most pregnancies proceed without complications, certain conditions can increase your risk of health problems. Obesity during pregnancy can threaten your health and the health of your unborn baby. Although losing weight prior to conception is best, proper prenatal care can help increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy and delivery, especially if you are obese.

3 mins read

What to Expect With a C-Section

While many mothers give birth vaginally, some pregnancies require surgical delivery. Cesarean section deliveries, commonly referred to as C-sections, allow the surgeon to remove the infant from the mother’s uterus. While some pregnancy conditions may cause doctors to schedule a C-section delivery beforehand, the need for a surgical delivery may not arise until after labor starts. Knowing what to expect during this process may help reduce the stress and anxiety of having your baby by C-section.