2 mins read

Mistaken Facts of Pregnancy

Part of the experience of being pregnant is being inundated with advice from family, friends and even strangers. While all of these people mean well, some of this advice may be myths and can cause unnecessary fear. Many of these myths sound reasonable, while others are completely unbelievable. If you are in doubt about whether a piece of advice is a myth, check with your doctor.

21 mins read

101 Ways to Make a Difficult Divorce Easier on Your Children

The following is a list of things you can do to make your children’s lives easier after a divorce. Read these tips as reminders of what you and your co-parent should be doing to ease the stress of divorce on your children. Remember that the reason why you should do these things is that if you don’t your children will join the ranks of those who become emotionally hurt by the process of divorce.

3 mins read

How Long Does It Take to Show Signs of Pregnancy?

Just as no two women are alike, not every mother-to-be exhibits the same signs or experiences the same symptoms of pregnancy. Even during subsequent pregnancies, the changes a woman undergoes can be altogether different. While some women will feel differently as early as one week following conception, there are others who might go months before feeling its effects. Incredibly, some women are unaffected by pregnancy altogether.

6 mins read

Six Reasons to Have Six Kids

When people hear that I have six kids, the reaction is usually entertaining. Sure, there are some days when I wonder what Ive gotten myself into, worry about the world theyll inherit, and/or consider the environmental footprint of a family like mine. But most of the time I just celebrate how awesome it is to have six kids. Here are a few reasons why: