2 mins read

Use Natural Progesterone When Trying to Conceive

The time of your life when you’re trying to conceive a baby can be a stressful and difficult time, especially if it does not happen easily. Before you seek out medical fertility treatments, you may want to try natural progesterone cream. Natural progesterone creams can supplement your own hormones in several different ways; it encourages successful conception and pregnancy.

2 mins read

What Type of Vitamins Help Fertility?

When you are trying to conceive, taking steps to improve your fertility can help speed the process and ensure a healthy pregnancy. Several different vitamins and herbal supplements do appear to improve or enhance fertility or help to prevent problems in the earliest part of pregnancy. Think carefully about taking any supplements other than a prenatal vitamin when trying to conceive, and consult your physician, naturopath or herbalist for further information and assistance.

3 mins read

Hormone Levels & Miscarriage

A miscarriage is a pregnancy loss that occurs within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. It is estimated that 10 to 15 percent of women who know that they are pregnant will suffer a miscarriage. That number may be much higher, given that many women have early miscarriages before they ever know that they are pregnant. Miscarriages that occur in the early stages of pregnancy may be the result of hormonal problems.

3 mins read

Trouble Breathing While Pregnant

Pregnancy brings many changes to your body. Your clothes will no longer fit. You may need afternoon naps and as the pregnancy progresses, you will periodically have trouble breathing. Three out of four pregnant women report trouble breathing. There are several reasons for shortness of breath during pregnancy. Understanding what they are and what to do about it will put your mind at ease.