3 mins read

Discipline & Children With ADHD

While disciplining any child can be difficult at times, parents of ADHD children often face added challenges when trying to keep their active children in line. Because of the nature of the disorder, children who suffer from ADHD commonly have trouble following rules and remaining goal-focused. Along with working to teach their children right from wrong as all parents do, parents of ADHD children must help their children overcome these additional hurdles that stand in the way of proper behavior.

3 mins read

How Many Calories a Day Should We Consume?

There are several factors that affect how many calories an individual should consume on a daily basis, including age, weight, height and activity level. Based on the variables, it might be difficult for a mom to plan a meal that fits everyone’s needs. One way to overcome meal-planning issues is to understand the basic calorie need for certain ages and activity levels.