3 mins read

Symptoms of Heart Failure in Women

Heart failure claims the lives of about 300,000 people every year in the United States. Although you may think of heart failure as a condition that is more likely to affect men than women, about 62 percent of people who die from heart failure each year are women, according to the Women’s Heart Foundation. If you have any signs of heart failure, get medical attention immediately.

5 mins read

Listen Up Pile or File People — It’s Time to Get Organized!

Pick up the latest copy of a hot home magazine and youll find glossy photos capturing sleek images of perfect homes and offices. Its so alluring, but honestly, where is all of the stuff? Do these people live real lives? The short answer is no. Even if youve gone paperless and now read your news online and receive your bills electronically, paper clutter is still never going away. There are just some documents that you need to have around. So, first remember that its ok to have some stuff and then figure out if you are a file or a pile person. Do you like everything tucked away or do you prefer to have stacks at the ready? Whether you are a color-coded file person or a towering pile of papers person, we have some tips to keep it all under control.

3 mins read

Information on Teen Pregnancy

According to Women’s Health Channel, approximately 33 percent of teenage girls between the ages of 15 and 19 years old become pregnant each year in the United States. Of those pregnancies, 80 percent are unplanned. Despite the decline in teen pregnancy from 1991 to 2005, the rate actually increased by 3 percent between 2006 and 2007. Currently, Hispanic girls make up the highest percentage of teenage mothers with the most significant decline occurring in African-American girls.