1 min read

An Exercise for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a serious problem for men. If your man is having problems, it affects both your sex life and your relationship. Men can treat some forms of erectile dysfunction through exercises that work the pubococcygeus muscles, or PC muscles. These pelvic area muscles control the flow of urine and ejaculation. Exercising them also improves blood flow to the penis, which helps cure one of the most-common causes of erectile dysfunction–leaking veins in the penis. The exercises that work the PC muscles are commonly called “Kegels.” Encourage your guy to do these exercises.

9 mins read

A Day in the Life of Our Puppy

6:15 am. I am awake, people, and I have to pee! Which is why I am putting my paws on the side of your bed, and trying very hard to get my tongue to reach your face. I know you dont like it when I pee on your carpet, but seriously, if you dont get your lazy ass out of bed in the next thirty seconds, I am going to have no choice. NO CHOICE, do you hear me?

5 mins read

Bringing My A Game

My three-year old has just hit the prime of the terrible twos (I guess he waited to make a grand entrance), with the strength of the Hulk, the charm of Hugh Grant, and the speed of Superman. My house is child-proofed for Hannibal Lecter. All kitchen chairs are tied to the table, there are no knick-knacks or picture frames around the house, cleaning supplies are above the sink, any other piece of furniture that can be moved is in storage and we dont use any knifes, we cut our food with lasers.

4 mins read

Drugs to Boost Female Sex Drive

Men have the option of using prescription drugs to treat erectile dysfunction, making it possible for them to perform in the bedroom. However, drugs to boost female sex drive are so scant as to be nonexistent. According to MayoClinic.com, the reason for this is that a woman’s low libido cannot be cured with a pill. Your desire to have sex depends on many different things, such as your physical and emotional health — and the strength of your relationship with a spouse or partner.

3 mins read

Aqua Therapy for Children

Children with physical or developmental difficulties face big hurdles growing up. In addition to dealing with the ordinary stresses kids face in the world, children with special needs struggle to find their place in society. Aqua therapy provides physical benefits and mental benefits to young participants, in a supportive and safe environment.