7 mins read

The Divorce Decision: To File or Reconcile?

The decision to divorce is excruciating, and as we have seen recently with celebrities and supermodels, its not uncommon for couples to file and then reconcile. Supermodel Stephanie Seymour and publishing tycoon Peter Brant decided, after months of contentious court battles, accusations and millions of dollars in legal fees, to try and make their marriage work. They are not alone in the celebrity world of indecision with public figures like Larry King and Shawn Southwick who filed for divorce in April and halted the proceedings one month later.

4 mins read

When Should You Give a Pacifier to a Baby?

Giving your baby a pacifier is a personal decision. Most experts agree that pacifiers can be helpful during the first six months of life as it satisfies your baby’s natural instinct to suck. However, there are no definite guidelines about when to give a pacifier or take one away. Sometimes, it is best to just use your mothering instinct to decide if a pacifier is right for your baby, regardless of his age.

3 mins read

Is a Saliva Ovulation Kit Better Than Urine?

Both saliva and urine test kits give women a great advantage in learning to understand their cycle by helping to determine when ovulation is about to occur. Both types of tests claim 98 to 99 percent accuracy. Choosing which test to use in the end becomes a personal decision. Consider the usability of the test and your own personal medical history when deciding which test is best for you.