3 mins read

Skin Care for Older Women

You may become wiser with age, but aging does nothing good for your skin. As you age, you may notice wrinkling on your face, drier skin and dark pigmentation where you never had it before. Your skin may have lost its glow and may even look dull. When you get in your 50s and beyond, the skin on your neck gets looser, growths may appear, and you become more susceptible to bruising, itchy skin and a rash condition called shingles. While you can’t stop the aging process, you can prevent or lessen many of these skin problems.

3 mins read

The Best Hand Lotion for Dry Hands

The cure for chapped, dry hands can seem out of reach, especially during cold, windy seasons or in arid climates. It’s easy to assume that the holy grail of hand lotions is somewhere among the many bottles, jars and tubes that populate the drugstore aisles. However, more important than the packaging, price and brand name are the ingredients your product contains — and how frequently you use it.