4 mins read

About the Physical Development of Infants

Infants grow so quickly during the first year of life. An infant’s physical development will depend on a variety of factors including, genetics and nutrition. Growth and development will likely happen in bursts throughout the first year. All infants develop at their own rate. If you are worried that your baby is not developing properly, talk with your pediatrician.

2 mins read

Complications of the Flu During Pregnancy

Influenza, referred to by most people as “the flu,” is a respiratory illness that passes from person to person via droplets in the air or physical contact with contaminated surfaces. The flu produces many symptoms including fever, sore throat, runny nose, fatigue, cough, headache, nausea and vomiting. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention reports nearly 200,000 people in the United States are hospitalized annually for flu-related complications. One of the most at-risk groups for developing flu complications is pregnant women.

1 min read

It’s National Hug Day!

Yes, it’s true! Since 1986, the United States Patent and Trademark Office has recognized Jan. 21 as National Hug Day. So, get rid of any lingering personal-space issues you may have and give someone a hug today! Research has proven that human contact is essential for healthy social, psychological and physical development. Babies who receive regular physical contact gain weight and grow faster than those who are neglected. Additionally, physical contact can lower your stress levels and cheer you up!

6 mins read

Is My Child Being Bullied? How Do I Help?

When I walked in to my daughter attempting suicide due to extreme bullying, I was horrified and heartbroken. Most of all, I was surprised and felt guilty that I had missed that anything of this magnitude was happening in her life. Bullying has been around forever, heck, I was bullied as a kid, but bullying…