4 mins read

Are You Ruining Sports For Your Kid?

Every fall, there’s a bright shining sports moment when the four most competitive, most watched professional men’s games are simultaneously played in the United States. Sadly for Mets fans, gloriously for the Royals, the World Series ended Sunday night. But basketball, hockey, and football offer daily consolation. As so many of us, alongside our kids,…

4 mins read

When Sports Parents Go Too Far…

It has finally come to this: a parent has sued a sports coach for not playing his child more frequently.Perhaps this will go down in American parenting history as definitive proof that we have all totally lost our minds.I am surprised this didnt happen earlier, actually. And that the lawsuit originated in Texas, not New York City, where parents pay professionals to coach their children for kindergarten interviews, or my hometown of …

5 mins read

My Son Gets Psyched Out By Sports Team Tryouts

Here is the conversation I have with my son three months before a given sport is meant to begin: Me: Do you want to play [soccer, football, basketball, baseball] this year? Because sign-ups are now. Him: Yeah. Here is the conversation I have with my son three minutes before the first day of practice for any given sport: Me: Come on, get your shoes on, weve got to leave for practice!