3 mins read

Proper Steps For Adoption

Sometimes, couples or even single women decide to adopt at least one child to achieve that dream of parenthood. In recent years, more Americans have realized that they arent just limited to adopting children from the United States, according to the U.S. Department of State. Whether you decide to adopt a child born in Indiana or Guatemala, you and any domestic partner involved must follow all of your state’s specific procedures.

5 mins read

Navigating Common Breastfeeding Concerns During the Uncertainty of a Pandemic

Breastfeeding can be complicated and difficult enough during “normal” times. However, new mothers’ concerns become magnified during a pandemic when in-person resources, like local breastfeeding classes, are not as available. As a certified lactation consultant, I’m here to help by sharing answers to the most common breastfeeding questions and concerns I receive from clients and…

4 mins read

Child Seat Belt Laws for a Pickup Truck

Pickup trucks are making resurgence in the United States, with many women preferring the truck to the traditional station wagon or minivans as their vehicle of choice. While the utility of a truck is without question, it does raise safety concerns for how to transport children safely. In most states, the laws require children to…