3 mins read

Natural Remedies for Increasing Sperm Count

When struggling with infertility, some couples discover that their problems, in part, are due to decreased sperm motility (the ability to move) or a low sperm count. Since many couples prefer to seek natural remedies before turning to more invasive medical procedures, it can be a relief to learn that sometimes the key to increasing sperm count can be as simple as making a few lifestyle changes.

2 mins read

6 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy Level

We all have those days. Those days when you feel sluggish, sleepy, and unproductive. Whether you can pinpoint the exact reason why youre lacking energy (a long night taking care of a sick kid) or you really dont know why you cant seem to keep your eyes open, here are some surefire ways to boost your energy level and get back to being the best you that you can be! 1. Get Moving

3 mins read

How to Change Your Hair Color Naturally

Hair dyes and chemical treatments are probably safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, according to the American Pregnancy Association, but many moms choose not to use them because of their ever-changing formulations and lack of pregnancy safety testing. If you’re one of these moms, or a mom of an older child trying to lighten or darken her hair naturally, natural products offer the flexibility to change your look without exposure to chemical products.