4 mins read

Healthy Body Weight for Kids

Kids make up a significant portion of the rising obesity rates in the United States. Being overweight as a kid increases the odds that you’ll be overweight later in life, and that you’ll develop obesity-related medical conditions. As a parent, you may be better off looking at your child’s health and the quality of his diet than the numbers on the scale as you work toward getting him to his healthy weight.

3 mins read

Weight Training Routines for Home Workouts

Between the carpooling and the cooking and the cleaning, fitting in some time at the gym is just impossible. The time you put into caring for your body is an investment in your health, however. You can put together a weight training plan at home that will build your muscles, strengthen your bones and tone your body. In just a few minutes, every few days, you can use your own weight training routine at home to improve the quality of your health and your life.

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Weight Loss Products With Hoodia

It’s almost impossible not to be a little curious about hoodia. There are a baffling and extensive choice of nonprescription weight loss aids on the market, but manufacturers have gone out of their way to promote Hoodia gordonii as the holy grail of natural appetite suppressants. The truth about hoodia weight loss products is far less enthralling than marketing claims, however. There’s been scant research conducted on how hoodia actually works in the human body. Furthermore, many hoodia products aren’t likely to contain real hoodia gordonii.

3 mins read

Skin Removal After Weight Loss Surgery

As you gain weight, your skin expands to accommodate underlying fat. But in cases of extreme weight loss, such as after bariatric weight loss surgery, patients are often left with unsightly excess skin. Because of its decreased elasticity, this skin tends to hang, sag and give a body a lumpy appearance. According to Dr. Michael Bermant, board-certified plastic surgeon, this is not a problem you can correct with diet or exercise alone. Excess skin must be surgically removed.