3 mins read

No Sexual Desire After Pregnancy

Newborn babies demand significant amounts of attention. After bringing the baby home, the house needs to be kept clean, you might return to work and people want to stop by and meet the new addition. Who in the world has time for sex with all of this going on? Losing your sex drive after giving birth is not unusual, and knowing it is a temporary situation will help you relax.

4 mins read

What are Woman Sexual Health Enhancers?

Call it desire, vitality or libido–a women’s sexuality enhances her life in many ways. At times, you may want help in restoring or kindling a healthy interest in sex. That’s a perfectly normal way to feel. The stress of daily living, relationship problems, even physical woes can affect your libido. Fortunately, you can take positive steps to enhance your sexual health.

2 mins read

How to Increase Sex Drive When Pregnant

Your pregnancy can produce many changes in your life. The activities you used to enjoy may hold little appeal. Your growing baby, expanding belly and shifting hormones may affect your sex drive. Many women experience an increase in libido during certain stages of pregnancy, while feeling a reduced sexual desire during other stages. Although the reasons for your sex drive may range from physical changes to emotional stress, certain practices can safely increase your desire and your sexual enjoyment.