How to Increase Sex Drive When Pregnant
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How to Increase Sex Drive When Pregnant

Your pregnancy can produce many changes in your life. The activities you used to enjoy may hold little appeal. Your growing baby, expanding belly and shifting hormones may affect your sex drive. Many women experience an increase in libido during certain stages of pregnancy, while feeling a reduced sexual desire during other stages. Although the reasons for your sex drive may range from physical changes to emotional stress, certain practices can safely increase your desire and your sexual enjoyment.

Step 1

Reduce your level of stress. Preparing for your baby and concerns about parenting may cause you to feel high levels of stress during your pregnancy. Work, relationships and financial concerns can all contribute to your state of mind. Make a list of the items that weigh heavily on your mind. Sort through these items to determine which things you can change and which things aren’t worth worrying about. Set aside time for relaxing activities, such as a relaxing bath, massage or meditation. Reducing your stress can help you relax and enjoy your sex life.

Step 2

Talk to your husband. Communicate your desires and your feelings about your changing body shape and image. Let him know what feels uncomfortable during this time, as well as activities that increase your passion. Discussing sex and other issues can build the level of intimacy and contribute to a fulfilling sex life.

Step 3

Sleep whenever you can. As your baby grows, you may find that his movements keep you awake at night. Physical changes can also reduce your ability to sleep. You may find yourself getting up frequently to visit the bathroom, as well as tossing and turning to try to find a comfortable position. Take a daytime nap to increase your level of energy for sex and intimate activities.

Step 4

Ask your doctor to recommend a prenatal vitamin supplement. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can contribute to many health problems, including a low sex drive. During pregnancy, the added physical demands on your body may increase your need for certain nutrients.

Step 5

Strengthen and tone your pelvic floor muscles. The Mayo Clinic suggests that these exercises, known as Kegel exercises, can improve sexual sensations and boost your sex drive. Perform this exercise by tightening the same muscles you use to stop the flow of urine. Maintain the squeeze for a count of five seconds, then release and repeat. Perform this exercise a few times every day.


  • Avoid taking any type of aphrodisiac products, including herbal preparations, during your pregnancy.
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