8 mins read

Ovarian Aging and Infertility

The decrease in female fecundity beginning after the age of 30 and exaggerated after 40 is a well documented finding. This age-related decline in fertility is the result of several factors that contribute to overall reproductive failure. Women over 35 require a longer period to achieve conception than younger women, and a higher percentage of older women will never achieve pregnancy. In addition, the rate of early pregnancy wastage increases substantially during the 30s, and is over 50% after age 40.

4 mins read

Different Foods to Eat During Pregnancy at Different Stages

Proper nutrition is one of the pivotal considerations in maintaining a healthy pregnancy. While your baby is undergoing rapid development and growth, your own body is changing at an alarming rate, nurturing not one, but two people. Ideally, your pregnancy diet should consist of a wide range of healthy foods, but certain stages of pregnancy call for extra doses of specific nutrients.

2 mins read

Increasing Your Sex Drive With Natural Foods

Few things in life remain constant. This includes your sex drive. Many men and women experience periods of low interest in sex, also known as low libido. A number of factors, including illness, medication, hormonal changes, stress and fatigue, can all contribute to a lowered sex drive. While some cases of low libido may require professional treatment, good nutrition may also help increase the desire for sex. Certain types of food may boost your overall health and improve your libido.

3 mins read

What Are Healthy Foods You Can Eat After Pregnancy?

If you are a new mom, losing the baby weight and keeping your energy up while caring for your newborn can be a challenge. It is sometimes easier to skip eating healthily after childbirth because you may be too busy caring for your baby. However, there is more to being healthy after childbirth than just losing the extra fat. Think of your baby, too, especially if you are breastfeeding. Proper nutrition will keep you on track, even though, technically, you are no longer eating for two.