2 mins read

Second-Trimester Pregnancy Exercises

By the second trimester of your pregnancy, you likely suffer from some of the more exhausting symptoms associated with a growing baby, according to Pregnant Health. Your belly likely also sticks out and may get in the way of some of your favorite activities including exercise. Although all pregnant women must avoid activities such as bicycling, running, skiing and lifting heavy weights, women in the second trimester still can and should moderately exercise.

1 min read

Patricia Heaton Struggles with Second-Grade Math in the Name of a Good Cause

This Monday, Patricia Heaton took the hot seat on the celebrity episode of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire! Hot it became when Patricia was faced with her most dreaded subject area: second-grade math. The star squirmed when Regis presented this question: If a Euro is worth $1.50, five Euros is worth what? Her options? (A) thirty quarters, (B) fifty dimes, (C) seventy nickels, or (D) ninety pennies.

17 mins read

Meet the MILs: Which of These Mother-in-Law Types is Yours?

Let's face it, when you said "I do," you probably didn't realize you were also signing up for a lifelong subscription to MIL Magazine, complete with monthly issues filled with unsolicited advice, invasive questions, and the occasional guilt trip, courtesy of your brand new mother-in-law. For many, entering this uncharted territory can feel more like…

3 mins read

Back To School On A Budget

Back-To-School season is an expensive time for families. As a mom of six kids, I know this too well. It’s Inventory Time! Go Through Those Closets – purge the stuff you no longer need, but keep an eye out for those little gems that are hand-me-down worthy. They are invaluable – we rely on hand-me-downs from older…