Patricia Heaton Struggles with Second-Grade Math in the Name of a Good Cause
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Patricia Heaton Struggles with Second-Grade Math in the Name of a Good Cause

This Monday, Patricia Heaton took the hot seat on the celebrity episode of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire!

Hot it became when Patricia was faced with her most dreaded subject area:  second-grade math. The star squirmed when Regis presented this question:  “If a Euro is worth $1.50, five Euros is worth what?”

Her options? (A) thirty quarters, (B) fifty dimes, (C) seventy nickels, or (D) ninety pennies.

The celeb chose to phone her husband for assistance as the clock ticked away, but her call was cut short with no help from hubbie. Ultimately, Heaton uncomfortably reasoned her way through the options, arriving at cheers from the audience upon selecting answer A.

Possible public embarrassment aside, Heaton, who admitted that she ‘didn’t spend enough time in the classroom,’ earned 50,000 for much-needed medical care in Sierra Leone.

So what do you think? Kudos for the humanitarianism, or should we send her back to school this fall?

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