3 mins read

5 Back-to-School Shopping Hacks Every Mom Should Read

You are likely feeling mixed emotions about sending your kids back-to-school — there’s some excitement about getting back to a regular routine, but there’s also some stress stemming from the high cost of school essentials. In fact, the National Retail Federation estimates that parents will spend around $875 on school purchases.

7 mins read

10 Ways To Save On Back-To-School Shopping

A new school year is starting up… are you ready? With a troubled economy and the cost of many family necessities on the rise, most of us are looking for practical and easy ways to cut our spending this fall with our back-to-school shopping list. Did you know that the back-to-school season is the 2nd largest consumer event behind the holidays?

2 mins read

Cool Back to School Supplies

Crisp new notebooks, freshly sharpened pencils – when I was little, I couldn’t wait to go shopping for school supplies and now that I have kids of my own, it’s like nothing has changed. I love the organization and planning, going on fun family shopping trips and checking each item off my list. So what’s new in my children’s backpacks this fall? Check out five super cool school supplies that are sure to get kids excited about going back to school! Post-it Mobile Collection

2 mins read

School Supply Shopping For Six Kids!

The time has finally come. I can hardly believe it. This September, all six of my children will be in school. Many years ago, I said I was going to host a champagne breakfast on the day that my last child goes to school. It shocks me that my champagne breakfast is in the very near future.