3 mins read

The Negative Effects of Single Parent Homes on Children

Most single parents want the best for their children despite the circumstances. Although there are an increasing number of single parent homes in the U.S., the effects can often be long-term for kids who are in the care of a single mother or father. When you want to learn about how children are affected by…

4 mins read

Explain the Single Life To Your Kids

Among the many thorny conversations Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will eventually have to have with their six kids following their recently announced plans to divorce, lies one in particular that routinely stumps even the most grounded parents: how to explain to your kids that you are dating someone who is not their mom or…

5 mins read

What I Didn’t Post on Facebook

Last week, I read an article dissing parents who only write and/or post positive things about their children on their blogs and other social media sites, like Facebook. Then I looked at my Facebook homepage and noticed, I too am one of those parents.