1 min read

Veggie & Herb SeedBallz

Do you have a green thumb? Spring is a great time to start planting and gardening. Garden Basket’s a new line of gardening products called Veggie & Herb Seedballz is a wonderful way to get that green thumb to work. Whether you are a novice or an experienced gardener, Seedballz are an amazing addition to any garden.

2 mins read

How to Pick Baby Names

Names come in many varieties — from simple, single-syllable names to special names to family names to meaningful names. The name you bestow upon your child is going to stay with you, your child and your partner for the rest of your lives. Your baby’s name should have meaning to you, but more importantly you and your partner should both agree on your child’s name. Communicate with each other throughout your baby-naming process as this is supposed to be a loving and special time in your life, not filled with arguments and hostility over naming your baby.

2 mins read

Fashion & Flowers

Flowers bring a bit of bright, whimsical nature to your fashion. Whether you love an exciting tropical look or a warm romantic look, flowers can bring those natural colors and shapes into your personal look. Be careful not to go overboard to avoid a costume look. With gentle touches, you can incorporate flowers in a sophisticated and fun way.