7 mins read

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas + What She REALLY Doesn’t Want

Mothers truly embody dedication, working tirelessly around the clock without breaks, sick days, or pay. According to Investopedia, stay-at-home moms might log an average of 98 hours per week, equivalent to an annual salary of $178,000 if they were compensated for their extensive roles. And let's be fair, most of us, I think, would be…

3 mins read

4 Reasons Why Solo Parenting Can Be Awesome.

For over three years, Daddy-o has been a Fly-In, Fly-Out (FIFO) parent. It has not been without some challenges and now he’s transitioning back into the local office. This is good news! Although he works long hours, it means he will be home most nights. It’s something we are all looking forward to. (Kind of.)…

4 mins read

Dealing With The Loss of A Child – Moving Past Grief

February is a difficult month for me as a mother. And this February in particular seems to be hitting me even harder. My daughter died three years ago, on February 3rd, 2012 from Tay-Sachs disease. She was just three years old so with this passing antithesis of a golden milestone it causes me to be…

2 mins read

The “Perfect” New Year’s Resolution

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. – Ralph Waldo EmersonIt’s a brand new year, but I’m not thinking about bold new changes in my life – like going on a great new health kick, or starting those singing or ballet lessons I’ve always wanted. Nope. Im thinking about the simple things a mother yearns for as we realize weve become second, and …