5 mins read

Five BIG Money Mistakes Women Make in Divorce

More than half of all divorced women fear they will end up a “bag lady.” Even high net-worth women are concerned they’ll run out of money and won’t be able to support themselves or their families. I get it: I’ve been there. Living through my own divorce — and advising the numerous women with whom…

3 mins read

Hot Mess is the New Supermom

Nikki Pennington posted a photo on her Facebook page about her messy car and for a second I thought it was mine. Every day I climb into my car and simultaneously knock over quinoa bowls and Whole Foods shopping bags and have to dig seaweed chips from the cup holder. Actually, I'm totally kidding. It's McDonald's bags…

9 mins read

Smart Ways To Manage Your Kids’ Tech Use

School’s out for the summer! When I was a kid, this meant swimming, biking places to meet friends, staying outside (not being allowed inside) until dinner, the beach, and summer camps. Today, know what this means for kids? More screen time, more opportunities to chronicle every second of their summer break on Instagram or Snapchat…

6 mins read

Where Have All The Dreidels Gone?

In honor of Chanukah, Im re-posting this adorable tale from last year with some updates. I know it borders on lazy, but Ive got latkes to make and gelt to buy. And its not like anything has changed. Its as timely now as it was 12 months ago. Sad. But true. LChaim.

4 mins read

Yes, There is Such Thing as Hashtag Etiquette

With millions of users sharing information and photos on social media every day, it can be an overwhelming task to make sense of it all. Because of the sheer volume of data being shared, Twitter users began using hashtags – the # sign before key words in their tweets – to help others find their posts.